How to Import JSON into Figma?

Romina Kavcic
Here is the list of Figma plugins that you can use to import JSON into Figma.
Design Tokens Manager
You can export or import Figma Variables
Export Styles to JSON files
Import Tokens from JSON files
Tokens Studio
Gives you the ability to use Design Tokens that can be used for a whole range of design options, from border radii or spacer units to semantic color and typography styles that are able to reference other tokens. It allows you to change tokens and see these changes applied to the whole document, its styles or just a selection.
Generate Tokens with the UI or with your own JSON. Create or update Type, Color or Shadow Styles based on tokens. Reference tokens in each other to create type scales, container paddings or semantic colors.
Design Tokens
Export Figma styles and custom tokens to a style dictionary ready json or sync to github.
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Oct 21, 2024
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