design systems

Design System Approach vs. Product Strategy

Romina Kavcic

Dec 15, 2022

Why do some companies crush it with their design system while others barely give it a thought? The game-changer? The desire for an incredible product.

Why do some companies crush it with their design system while others barely give it a thought? The game-changer? The desire for an incredible product.

🚀 Product-led companies

Your business is your product.

* Have a design system.
* Prioritize user experience, speed, innovation
* Easy-to-use product means less work on support
* Prefer metrics + data analysis over subjectivity
* Gather feedback and iterate fast
* Flexible, agile org structure
* Cross-functional collaboration
* Optimized design processes

Product-led companies understand that having a design system means HIGHER speed, development velocity, and ROI.

🛠️ Product-enabled companies

The product enables you to sell your service.

* See the design (system) as a cost, not an investment 🤑
* UI kit is "enough."
* Top-down hierarchy
* A lot of decisions makers + a slow process
* Prioritize stability over speed and flexibility
* UX is important, but the design is not so much

🟡 Product-supported companies

The business can function without a product.

However, factors like industry, competition, and customer expectations can make these supplementary products increasingly vital for a business's success and customer satisfaction.

* Design system, what is that? 😅
* Siloed work environment
* Top-down hierarchy
* The pace is slower
* Lack of innovation

No matter which industry you're in, adapting fast is crucial as technological advancements happen week by week.

Published on:

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Published on:

Apr 24, 2023

Apr 24, 2023

Apr 24, 2023




Apr 5, 2024

Apr 5, 2024

Apr 5, 2024

This post was originally published on my personal Linkedin profile.

I'm Romina. I'm a Design Lead with an MBA. I advise, coach, and consult with companies on product design, design strategy & design systems. I can help you set up teams, processes, and culture.

I'm Romina. I'm a Design Lead with an MBA. I advise, coach, and consult with companies on product design, design strategy & design systems. I can help you set up teams, processes, and culture.

I'm Romina. I'm a Design Lead with an MBA. I advise, coach, and consult with companies on product design, design strategy & design systems. I can help you set up teams, processes, and culture.

The Design System Guide Newsletter

Writing on topics such as design systems,

design process, design strategy. ✨

© 2022 - 2024 The Design System Guide by Romina Kavcic

The Design System Guide Newsletter

Writing on topics such as design systems,

design process, design strategy. ✨

© 2022 - 2024 The Design System Guide by Romina Kavcic

The Design System Guide Newsletter

Writing on topics such as design systems,

design process, design strategy. ✨

© 2022 - 2024 The Design System Guide by Romina Kavcic